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The Henry









40% terminal examination

20% performance exam

40% controlled assessment  (combination of written and practical)






Year 9, 10 and 11

GCSE Drama introduces students to a wide variety of genres and practitioners. GCSE Drama encourages students to develop critical thinking skills and become effective and independent learners. With the focus on working imaginatively, collaborating creatively and communicating effectively, GCSE Drama provides a solid foundation for further Drama studies and vocational opportunities.


Students will create performances based on different stimuli and will develop their acting and analytical skills. It is a course suitable for all students who enjoy performing and watching plays. 


Component 1 Devising Drama - 40% 

    Creation of an original devised performance (10%) 

    Written log – written (30%) 

Component 2 Performance from Text – 20% 

    Performance of a scripted play 

Component 3 Understanding Drama – 40% 

1 hour 45 min written exam 

Knowledge of Drama 

Study of a set text 

Evaluation of a live production 

Year 7 & 8

We strive to ensure that all students, whatever their ability, receive a varied and stimulating experience in our lessons. Throughout Years 7, 8 and 9, students progressively develop creative skills within a variety of scripted, devised, and improvisational activities. Practicing dramatic and theatrical styles in solo, pair and group work, Drama helps them to build their self-confidence and team-working skills.

IT in Drama

Students use IT within their work on the Technical side of the Drama course.  We have two fully equipped drama studios with lighting and sound equipment.  Students also use IT when looking at how Theatre is marketed.


Numeracy and Literacy in Drama

Throughout the Drama curriculum, students are developing their use of language.  Students will cultivate an understanding of the use of specific vocabulary used in drama.  They will also progress with their speaking and listening skills.

Numeracy skills are an important part of the technical theatre aspects of the Drama curriculum.


Prevent Duty and British Values in Drama

The themes and issues tackled in Drama frequently draw on British Values.  Students create drama based on respect and tolerance.  Their understanding of democracy is important due to the necessity to work as part of a team.