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About Us
The Henry Beaufort School is at an exciting stage in its development.
Our students are ‘happy and proud of their achievements’ [Ofsted 2023].
We have a five-year curriculum model, and our options process begins in Year 8. We believe that this will give all of our young people the opportunity to secure the best possible outcomes, academically and in terms of their personal growth. Cultural capital opportunities throughout the five year model will be integral to this success and this will ensure that we continue to offer a broad and balanced curriculum throughout these five years.
The History of our Name and Crest
The Henry Beaufort School was opened in September 1971. The school bears the name of a Bishop of Winchester who died in 1447. Henry Beaufort was Bishop of Winchester and three times Chancellor and is buried in Winchester Cathedral. He was a highly regarded representative of his country abroad.
Henry Beaufort was also a man of great wealth but he gave large amounts to charity, including rebuilding Winchester Cathedral and enlarging St Cross Hospital. We consider our students to be members of the wider community and it is hoped that all of them will aim to be good representatives of the school ‘abroad’ – both in the locality and further afield. It is also hoped that they will share what good fortune they have with other members of the community. For these reasons the school governors chose the name of Henry Beaufort for the school. The school crest represents Beaufort Castle in Anjou, France, from which Henry Beaufort took his name.
In order to echo this connection with other countries and cultures, and looking forward to other European links through our International School award, European cities have been chosen as names of the seven faculties. Each of these cities has a connection with the curricular team to which it is linked.
Athens: The Physical and Expressive Arts; Berlin: The Humanities; Luxembourg: Modern Languages; Moscow: Mathematics; Prague: English Language and English Literature; Rome: Technology; Warsaw: Science and IT. Apart from the Expressive Arts and PE who are led by individual Heads of Department, each faculty is led by an Academic Leader.
The Henry Beaufort School Vision Statement
We are proud to be an inclusive comprehensive school. We understand that young people today have many pressures placed upon them from an early age. Our role is to create a happy, stimulating learning environment that gives every child the confidence and resilience to face these pressures head on.
We have high expectations of all of our students. At The Henry Beaufort School there are no limitations to individual success.
We acknowledge the fundamental role that we play in the academic and moral education of young people.
We celebrate the success of our students at every opportunity and take delight in the buzz and energy around the school site well beyond the official ending of the school day.
We do not accept mediocrity or complacency. We understand the challenges that accompany our role as educationalists and we continue to work to find ways to refine and improve our practise. This is underpinned by our aim to be outstanding in everything that we do.
The school day and organisation
The school day is compressed, running from 8.30 am until 2.40 pm, with a fifteen-minute morning break and a half-hour lunch break.
Years 7, 8 & 9
The model for these year groups ensures a broad and balanced coverage of different curriculum areas. Within Humanities, three different subjects are taught: History, Geography and RE, hence their higher allocation of time.
Years 10 & 11
At this point in a student’s education, the curriculum narrows in terms of breadth, but deepens in terms of subject knowledge, as students spend significant proportions of their time (20 hours per fortnight) on their four chosen subjects. Alongside their options, the highest proportion of their time is spent in the three core subjects: Maths, English and Science.
Personal Development Days happen once per half term, and give the time for whole Year groups to focus on social, moral, spiritual, and cultural aspects of learning. They also incorporate the opportunity to study IT, citizenship, RE and philosophy within such topics as British Values and careers. These days ensure that students develop as well rounded and characterful individuals with a range of experiences outside traditional subjects.
Curriculum Map
Curriculum Extension Activities
A wide range of curriculum extension activities take place from 2.40pm to 4.00pm daily, as well as during evenings and weekends. A high percentage of students and staff participate in these activities.
Our Home Learning Club is a particularly successful feature of wider extracurricular provision. It is based in the Library each day, where children who want to do homework are supported by our Librarian. We have over half the school visiting this club each year.

Pastoral Organisation
Heads of Year take overall responsibility for attendance, behaviour, rewards, sanctions and progress of their respective year groups.
Head of Year 7 - Mrs A Taggart
Head of year 8 - Miss Bean
Head of Year 9 - Mr M Coe
Head of Year 10 - Mr C Janes
Head of Year 11 - Mr C Naisbitt
The Senior Leadership Team Structure
Headteacher - Miss S Hearle
Deputy Headteacher - Mr A Applin
Deputy Headteacher - Miss E Shelton
Assistant Headteacher - Miss E Colebourn
Assistant Headteacher - Mrs H Briggs
Bursar - Ms A Caplin
Our Building And Facilities
The School consists of eight main buildings around the central administration block (Winchester). The facilities include:
- Library;
- Four Information Technology Suites;
- Media suite;
- Eight Science Laboratories;
- Beacon Arts Centre which has excellent Drama facilities, Art Studios, and Music rooms;
- Gymnasium;
- Dance Studio;
- Sports Hall;
- Design and Technology Workshops;
- Learning Support;
- Hearing Resource Base.
For outdoor sports and athletics, there is an extensive area of grass as well as hard playing surfaces. The Sports Hall is used for Whole School Assemblies and also affords facilities for a wide variety of sporting activities.
The Library is available for use by students at all times of the school day. Students may book in to use any facilities not otherwise in use, to assist their work. In addition, all these resources, including the computers, are available for use at certain times after school for a variety of other activities.
Continuous Professional Development
All new staff are paired with a friendly face in their department from the outset. In the autumn term the school runs weekly staff training sessions to familiarise colleagues with our routines and practices, this is co-ordinated by our New Staff Induction Lead. These sessions are run by key colleagues who have responsibility for key elements of our school that are structured in a way to gain knowledge progressively across the first term.
Teaching staff are directed to attend five whole staff meetings per year where there is a CPD update for all, bespoke sharing good practice workshops that are run by our own staff, and also cross departmental working opportunities through action research. Each year the school focuses in on group working that develops the whole school improvement priorities that is specific to our school community. We also provide access to all staff to the Creative Education online CPD platform for staff to access courses that links to their own continuous professional development underpinned through the performance management process.
Our Schools Direct Programme Hampshire SCITT Partnership has been a huge success for over 7 years with all colleagues securing permanent jobs for the future, many here at The Henry Beaufort School. Our Early Careers Framework is coordinated with HISP Teaching School Hub which is part of the Educational Development Trust and we also link our National Professional Qualifications to the same provider for continuity. We work closely with the HISP Research School to provide external opportunities for staff CPD.
Being a Hampshire School provides us links to the extensive range of CPD courses in the Learning Zone that are a mixture of online CPD networks and courses to attend in person. We work closely with The Westgate School and run a number of joint initiatives including a successful Aspiring to Senior Leadership course. The Henry Beaufort School co-ordinates Subject Leader Network Meetings with The Westgate School, Harrow Way, Test Valley and Testbourne School which provides a great opportunity to share expertise across the county.
Beyond all this our school remains committed to bespoke CPD for all staff and with a healthy budget for staff to develop their own practice, we are always excited to consider requests beyond those listed above.
Equal Opportunities
It is acknowledged that Hampshire County Council is an Equal Opportunities employer. The school will do its utmost to meet this requirement. In pursuing this policy in support of the aims of the school, we recognise that:
- diversity amongst staff should be viewed positively
- in all staff appointments, the best candidate should be appointed, regardless of age, gender, cultural background etc.
Hampshire Local Authority - Information
Staff in Hampshire schools feel part of something larger than themselves and their individual schools. There is a buzz of professional people talking to each other about their jobs. They show their passion for what they do.
Working in a school in Hampshire will be the first step to you experiencing a strong supportive network of a family of schools working with one aim in mind, embedded in the Children & Young People Plan, that each and every child really does matter.
When you work for Hampshire, you can expect:
support from experienced and knowledgeable educationalists via Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service (HIAS)
networks and supportive links for ECTs, subject specialists and SENDCOs
curriculum centres stocked with resources to assist with subject planning and knowledge
a vast range of professional learning programmes and resources for each stage of your career, via Hampshire Teaching and Leadership College (HTLC) – these can focus on evolving your teaching practice, developing your skills to enable you to step into a leadership role and supportive courses for SEND students
working in partnership with Teaching Schools and Initial Teacher Training providers
great wider professional support services for leaders to help leaders with issues
a supportive approach to collaboration and partnership working instead of being isolated, regardless of your school status
Local Authority support for schools working together to provide opportunities for you to have wider experiences working in different schools or across more than one school
Further information on Children’s and other services provided by Hampshire County Council can be found on the Hampshire website:
Please see below the Hampshire application forms which you may require or wish to use.
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