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The Henry


What time does my son/daughter need to be in school?

Registration begins at 8.30am .

What number do I ring if my son/daughter is ill?

Please email by 9.00am each day your son/daughter is absent. If you do not have access to an email then please telephone 01962 880073 (press 1 for Student Support). A brief message is all that is required with the name of student, reason for absence and anticipated length of absence.

What do I do when my son/daughter returns to school after an illness?

Please provide a signed absence note on the first day your son/daughter returns to school after an illness and give to your tutor.

Who should I write to if I need to take my son/daughter out of school for medical reasons?

Please send in a note to your son/daughter’s tutor requesting absence for medical/dental appointments.

What am I looking for in the planner? When should I sign it?

All homework tasks and their deadlines should be recorded in the planner. Subject teachers also use the planner as a way of communicating with parents/carers. The planner should be signed on a weekly basis by parents/carers and tutors.

What if I lose my school planner?

Planners are given to students at the beginning of the year. If lost, a replacement cost will incur. These can be obtained from Student Support.

Please note, any defaced handbook will require the student to replace the handbook. A cost will be incurred for this.

Who should I contact if my personal details change?

If your personal details change please click here for information on how to inform the school. Please try to give us this new information as soon as you are aware of a change in detail. This also applies to a change in mobile phone numbers.

How do I speak to my son/daughter’s tutor?

Please contact the tutor by email. Tutor emails can be found on the website Alternatively, you could send in a letter or write a note in your son/daughter’s planner.

Who should I contact if I wish to discuss a confidential matter about my son/daughter?

Please contact your child’s tutor, or if a medical matter Student Support to discuss the matter in the first instance.

Where can I buy uniform?

The supplier for The Henry Beaufort School uniform is Stevensons. Uniform is purchased directly from the supplier for delivery to your home. You will be able to purchase uniform all year round through their website or by calling customer services on 01727 815700.

Where does my son/daughter leave prescribed medication?

A letter, stating type of medication and dosage, needs to be sent to Student Support. 

Does my son/daughter have to join non-uniform events?

It is the choice of the student if they wish to participate in non-uniform events.

What if I need to pass on an urgent message to my son/daughter?

Please contact Student Support Office Tel: 01962 880073 press 1 for Student Support.