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The Henry

Design and Technology







50% examination

50% non-exam assessment (NEA)





Opting for the Design and Technology GCSE will enable students to build their skills in several key areas through a mix of practical activities and theory based lessons.  Year 9 will see the students focussing on improving their knowledge and skills through projects focussing on prototyping, graphics, plastics, woods and fabrics.  Year 10 will see the focus shift to ‘skills demonstration’ in which the students will be encouraged to lead their own projects and combine different materials.  For each project a folder will be produced to research the market sector and produce design ideas.  GCSE NEA will begin in June of year 10 and students will be given the freedom to select the most suitable material for their project.

Design & Technology is unique in that it recognises and focusses upon its role in improving people’s lives.  Putting theory into practice and developing thoughts and ideas into real products takes thought, resilience and skill and this should never be underestimated.

NB:  A product cannot be made until all of the avenues of investigation have been recognised and acknowledged.  Therefore students will be expected to recognise, as they have in year 7 and 8, that they will not be making every lesson.


GCSE Results 2023

68.4% of students achieved a Grade 4 or above.

100% of students achieved a pass.


Students will study:

  •     Core technical principles
  •     Specialist technical principles
  •     Designing and making principles


Non Exam Assessment 50%

The students will select one of three project starting points set by the exam board.  They will then have to assemble a folder for their project.  This will cover:

  • Researching and investigating the market including identifying a client
  • Producing a design specification and brief
  • Producing design ideas for the potential product
  • 3d prototyping the potential product in a variety of materials
  • Producing the real product
  • Evaluating the product

Design and Technology

Years 7 & 8

Design and Technology in Years 7 and 8 paves the way for the students to have broad horizons, whilst at the same time encouraging them to be informed global citizens.  Students will be trained to select and use the equipment found in a workshop with skill and understanding whilst at the same time being made aware of the ethics of materials selection and the bigger picture of design and technology.

The projects will cover working with plastics, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacture, soldering, as well as investigating mechanisms, working with woods and sheet metals and using hand tools.

For each project the students will need investigate and consider the ‘clients’ needs and wants, as well as prototype and test manufacture.  Students are encouraged to develop their ideas through the iterative design process of designing, prototyping, evaluating continuing the process until they have satisfied the requirements of the project.