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The Henry

Humanities Focus

The Brittanica Encyclopaedia defines the study of Humanities as “those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture with analytic and critical methods of enquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself”. At The Henry Beaufort, our three Humanities subjects - History, Religious Education and Geography seek to do just that – with a breadth in our curriculums which challenges our students to truly reflect, considering different perspectives and ideas.

We seek to make our lessons and home learning as engaging as possible – in Geography, some recent project style home learning entitled “Biome in a Box” – students were challenged to recreate one of the Earth’s large ecosystems in a box – including plants, animals and, in some cases, the climate! The engagement level on this project was truly fantastic – you can see some examples below:


 A recent History in class project saw students presenting on the Black Death, during their Medicine topic. As you can see the quality of their presentation materials was truly exceptional.


Cultural Capital is truly crucial to a well-rounded Humanities curriculum and we are always seeking to develop the extra-curricular opportunities in our department – from a fantastic Environmental Club, to visits to a Gurdwara and Mosque, from our Geography fieldwork opportunities to our current project – a truly thought-provoking cross-curricular Cultural Capital day for Year 8s in June.